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£ $

  • References are taken from The Banknote Yearbook (Token Publishing, Devon).
  • Prices are quoted in GB Pounds; you can click the currency symbols above to show approximate values in US Dollars or Euros.
  • Click on image thumbnails to enlarge. Please note that all images are library pictures intended only to aid general identification of the notes. In most instances, the note you receive will not be the exact note which is pictured, and you should be guided by the written description with regard to detail and condition.
  • Tick the boxes at the start of each line to select notes you wish to order and then click the 'Add to Basket' button at the bottom of the page.

British Treasury

ImageBYB ref.

Ten Shilling notes 1914 to 1928

Treasury 10 Shillings, from 1915TR2b - E1 1910 Shillingsfrom 1915
Prefix E1/19
VF/VF+£495.00E1/19 71625
Treasury 10 Shillings, from 1915TR2b - E1 8710 Shillingsfrom 1915
Prefix E1/87
VF£400.00E1/87 59591
Treasury 10 Shillings, from 1915TR2c - A210 Shillingsfrom 1915
Prefix A2/12
VF£540.00A2/12 20952
Treasury 10 Shillings, from 1915TR2c - C210 Shillingsfrom 1915
Prefix C2/68
VF+£720.00C2/68 04202
Treasury 10 Shillings, from 1915TR3 - S4310 Shillingsfrom 1915
Prefix S/43
VF+£580.00S/43 0536698
Treasury 10 Shillings, from 1915TR3b - P1 1610 Shillingsfrom 1915
Prefix P1/16
VF£380.00P1/16 092839
Treasury 10 Shillings, from 1918TR6b - B210 Shillingsfrom 1918
Prefix B/2
EF£695.00B/2 660491
Treasury 10 Shillings, from 1919TR7a - H710 Shillingsfrom 1919
Prefix H/7
VF+£440.00H/7 507919
Treasury 10 Shillings, from 1922TR8 - J4910 Shillingsfrom 1922
Prefix J/49
aEF£295.00J/49 710598
Treasury 10 Shillings, from 1922TR8 - K2410 Shillingsfrom 1922
Prefix K/24
EF£290.00Rust mark from a paper clip on this note - K/24 442583
Treasury 10 Shillings, from 1922TR8 - K9610 Shillingsfrom 1922
Prefix K/96
VF£170.00K/96 865223
Treasury 10 Shillings, from 1922TR8 - N2110 Shillingsfrom 1922
Prefix N/21
VF/VF+£200.00N/21 985720
Treasury 10 Shillings, from 1922TR8 - N2510 Shillingsfrom 1922
Prefix N/25
VF£170.00N/25 367054
Treasury 10 Shillings, from 1922TR8 - O8410 Shillingsfrom 1922
Prefix O/84
UNC£680.00O/84 652549

One Pound notes 1914 to 1928

Treasury 1 Pound, from 1914TR10e - B21 Poundfrom 1914
Prefix B/2
VF+£795.00B/2 003422
Treasury 1 Pound, from 1914TR10e - O351 Poundfrom 1914
Prefix O/35
EF£950.00O/35 005907
Treasury 1 Pound, from 1914TR12 - D111 Poundfrom 1914
Prefix D/11
aEF£1,450.00A scarce note in this high grade - D/11 000880
Treasury 1 Pound, from 1914TR14a - N451 Poundfrom 1914
Prefix N/45
VF+£440.00N/45 95065
Treasury 1 Pound, from 1917TR16b - C181 Poundfrom 1917
Prefix C/18
VF+£250.00C/18 962083
Treasury 1 Pound, from 1917TR16b - D861 Poundfrom 1917
Prefix D/86
VF/VF+£185.00D/86 156576
Treasury 1 Pound, from 1919TR17b - L191 Poundfrom 1919
Prefix L/19
VF£76.00one set of staple holes - L/19 344009
Treasury 1 Pound, from 1923TR18a - A1 311 Poundfrom 1923
Prefix A1/31
F£60.00First prefix - A1/31 820775
Treasury 1 Pound, from 1923TR18b - G11 Poundfrom 1923
Prefix G1/25
EF£195.00G1/25 684798
Treasury 1 Pound, from 1923TR18b - P11 Poundfrom 1923
Prefix P1/34
F+/VF£65.00pin holes - P1/34 476401
Treasury 1 Pound, from 1923TR18b - P1 881 Poundfrom 1923
Prefix P1/88
VF£70.00one set of staple holes - P1/88 252349
Treasury 1 Pound, from 1927TR19a - S11 Poundfrom 1927
Prefix S1/1
F£125.00First prefix - S1/1 510303
Treasury 1 Pound, from 1927TR19b - U11 Poundfrom 1927
Prefix U1/91
VF+£175.00U1/91 317639
Treasury 1 Pound, from 1927TR19b - W1 471 Poundfrom 1927
Prefix W1/47
VF+£175.00W1/47 034816
Treasury 1 Pound, from 1927TR19b - W1 831 Poundfrom 1927
Prefix W1/83
VF+/aEF£190.00W1/83 668793
Treasury 1 Pound, from 1927TR19b - W1 921 Poundfrom 1927
Prefix W1/92
VF+£175.00W1/92 901637
Treasury 1 Pound, from 1927TR19c - Z1 841 Poundfrom 1927
Prefix Z1/84
F£90.00Z1/84 020427
Treasury 1 Pound, from 1927TR19d - U11 Poundfrom 1927
Prefix U1/16
VF£220.00U1/16 374682
Treasury 1 Pound, from 1927TR19e - Z11 Poundfrom 1927
Prefix Z1/87
F+£185.002 sets of staple holes - Z1/87 604119